Our partners
they trust us
In 2024, as part of a LEADER PROJECTproject, Art en chemin received support from Europe and the Alpes de Haute-Provence departmental council to help promote the Gassendi museum’s mountain art collection. This support included the creation of the present website and a communications plan.

Art en chemin is the only certified partner of the Musée Gassendifor the mediation of its Art en montagne collection.
Made up of a group of specially trained mountain guides and accommodation providers, all based locally around Digne-les-Bains and with an excellent knowledge of the area, Art en chemin is also an approved partner of theUNESCO Geopark of Haute-Provence and the Haute-Provence Tourist Office.
Since 2024, Art en chemin has also been a partner of the French Ministry of Education, referenced on ADAGE, and presents offers of outings on PassCulture.

our trips planned for 2025
The only thing missing is you
All our outings and stays are available on request for groups. You can also register individually for the stays and dates suggested below.

Towards the paths of art
Set in the exceptional landscapes of Haute-Provence, this tour is an invitation to a dialogue between science, art and nature. Through a sensitive walk, we’ll get as close as possible to the secret world of the ancients, and follow in the illustrious footsteps of the philosopher Pierre Gassendi.
Duration: 4 Days and 3 Nights
Availability: April 1 to November 30
Difficulty: Level 2/5, Family outing
Price: 740€ / Person (on request for groups of less than 5 people)
May 8 to 11, 2025
May 15 to 18, 2025
May 29 to June 1, 2025
On-demand stays, all year round (spring and autumn periods recommended)

Set in the exceptional landscapes of Haute-Provence, this tour is an invitation to a dialogue between science, art and nature. Through a sensitive walk, we’ll get as close as possible to the secret world of the ancients, and follow in the illustrious footsteps of the philosopher Pierre Gassendi.
Duration: 6 Days and 5 Nights
Availability: April 1 to November 30
Difficulty: Level 3/5, for walkers in good physical condition.
Price: €740 / Person, excluding insurance
April 30 to May 5 (sold out)
June 23 to 28, 2025
On-demand stays, all year round (spring and autumn periods recommended)

IMMERSion artistique en haute provence
Take time to stroll through the Promenade museum’s marvellous Saint-Benoît park, then along the majestic Bès valley. Take the time to pause in contact with poetic or unusual works of art inscribed in the landscape like so many memories of the passing of time. Spend a convivial evening at the gîte de Flagustelle, in an unspoilt setting.
Duration: 2 Days and 1 Night
Availability: April 1 to November 30
Difficulty: Level 1/5, Accessible to most people
Price: €220 / Person, excluding insurance
October 11 to 12, 2025
On-demand stays, all year round (spring and autumn periods recommended)