11 Days
6 to 7 people
Itinerant Stay
French, English
"I see the landscape as a succession of layers in which I am the last stratum" (Andy Goldsworthy) This stay with our donkeys offers a taste of adventure on a land art itinerary. It's exciting to find ourselves walking with the slow steps of donkeys carrying our bivouac gear along ancient paths that have been embellished over the last twenty years with numerous works of art in the heart of nature. We're following Andy Goldsworthy's Refuge d'Art itinerary, which crosses our territory from north to south. And because we've opted for complete autonomy during our itinerary, we'll be walking a loop with our 3 donkeys, who'll be carrying everything we need. The artist presents his work, insisting on the importance of discovering it on foot, by walking. Walking is seen as a preparation for discovering the work, and is itself an integral part of the work. Walking with donkeys offers the incredible sensation of rediscovering the timeless rhythm of the nomads within us. We rediscover the simplicity of camping, the conviviality of cooking together around the fire and sleeping close to nature. It awakens a real sense of total freedom. Two or three times we'll be able to sleep "in the sculptures" of the refuges. This is how Andy Goldsworthy presents his ideal, and indeed, bas-flancs offer simple sleeping arrangements inside the refuge where he has created his work. Chosen from the 10 days of itinerary and 150 km of paths and trails that make up the Refuge d'art project, this stay invites us to melt into the heart of the massif's most majestic folds, discovering in turn the Refuges d'art at La Ferme de Belon, Escuichière and Vieil Esclangon, as well as the more distant chapels of Sainte-Madeleine and La Forest. The telluric power of the land, its secret folds that have also inspired herman de vries, Paul-Armand Gette and Foncuberta, immerses us in the history of the land and opens us up to their multiple perspectives... From September 14 to 24, 2025 Price €985 / person, excluding insurance*. Operated by Mandala Voyages under its own registration.